Wednesday 26 September 2012

Shots and Angles - Close up

This is a clip taken from the upcoming sequel, Taken 2. This is a close up shot of the leader of the rival gang. We as the viewer can tell that he is the leader because he is the man stod in the middle. The angle of which this is filmed also support this because when the close up is on him, the camera is low down meaning that we are looking up to this character showing he is the man in power at this point. This is a clip taken from the film SuperBad. There are two close up shots in this clip. The first is a shot of 'Mclovin' the camera is looking down on him because he is scared and belittled by the police officer. The camera then switches to the Police officers face but it looking up at him slightly. This shows that he is the man in power. Using camera angles in this way mean that as the viewer you can tell who is in the power in this scene.

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