In the opening scene of the clip we are introduced to a male
and a female character walking together. The male character is shown to be a
lot bigger than the female and looks over powering making the female character
look small. This is a sterotype of men and women ebacuse it is making the
female character look weaker thant the male.
When the body has been dug up from the trench only the men
stand around and discuss the options of what to do next. The clip cuts to
whoever is speaking at the time and this shows once again that the male is the
more dominant gender in this clip as they are the ones making all of the
When the smartly dresses lady starts threatening the dog
breeder about the police the male character gets very angry about being told
what to do/ being pushed around. The music changes from being quite peaceful to
dark music and lots of noise when he flips and becomes mad. He gets mad because
he is being told what to do by the female character and needs to prove he is
the more dominant character. The femle backs down to him very quickly
When the 3 people enter the room where the dog breeder is
the front person of the 3 is the male and he is close to the camera making him
look bigger than the woman and the other male. This once again shows that the
male is the leader and the more dominant gender.
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