Sound – The young girl that has been taken in by the rich family has a strong Welsh accent whereas the man who has taken her in has a very received pronunciation. This shows that he is much more of an upper class to her and portrays him as more of a leading character.
Camera shots/ Angles - After the young girl has crashed the car we are introduced to the headmaster. When he is speaking he fills the camera shot and is the only person visible in the shot at this moment. This gives the effect that he is a big character and makes the viewer feel as if you are looking up at them. This makes him seem like a much more powerful character. This contrasts with the camera angle when it cuts to the young girl. She only just fills half of the shot, this being the bottom half meaning that as a viewer you look down on her. This shows you that she is the weaker character compared to the head master. Another way that this shot makes her look small is by crowding her with people taller than her. This just enhances the idea of her being the smaller, weaker character in this shot.
Camera shots/ Angles - Again at 2:33 in the clip there is an over the shoulder shot from behind the young girl looking up at her ‘father figure’. This shot shows how much of a bigger more powerful the man is compared to her. When she begins speaking the shot changes from to have to camera looking down on her with a mid-shot. The way that the camera angle alternates depending on who is speaking helps to show the contrast in class and power in this clip. When the man is speaking the camera is looking up to him. But when the girl is speaking the camera is angles to look down on her as she is the lower class and the less powerful character in this shot.
Mise en scene – In the first scene of the clip we are introduced to the young girl and a young boy character. The building behind them looks like it is a mess and there are kitchen towels hanging across the courtyard drying. They are doing manual labour, sweeping up. This shows that these two characters are both from a working class.
Sound - In the last scene in the extract we see the leading man at a farm setting. When the farmer comes to argue what is going on he has a very thick Welsh accent. When the leading man speaks he speaks with a received pronunciation and speaks to the farmer with a clear lack of respect. You can tell from the way that he speaks down to the farmer that he is from a higher class of people.
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