Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The gaze

Freddie Ljungberg Calvin Klein advert

He is using direct address to break down the fourth wall to create a relatiopnship with anyone who looks at this advert. For the female viewer they would be able to pick up the intense, suggestive look he is giving towards us. This advert would appeal to women more than men because of the images used. Men would see his body as a look that they would want to achieve so that is what would make them buy the product he is advertising. Women may also buy this product for their boyfriend/ husband because in their eyes it may make thier partner look more attractive like the man in the advert because of what they have seen in this image. 
He is holding the bar above to show off his muscles to make women want to see the advert. His hand holding the boxers draws attention to the product.

I feel that they have used the colour red as a background because red is the colour of love and passion, but is also a colour for anger and strength. This attributes of a man are all things that would attract the female audience.

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